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CoQ10 in Hypo- and Hyper-thyroidism

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

In this article: we've already described the value of herbal remedies, trace metals and supplements in treatment of Hyperthyroidism.

We've underlined that main herbs such as Bugleweed and supplements like L-carnitine can be advantageous for many patients.

Today, we'd like to have a look at CoQ10, which is not essential for thyroid diseases, but for some patients can be a helpful option. Especially for ones who experience symptoms like palpitations, nervousness, irritability and irregular heart beats.

Let's start!

Coenzyme Q, also known as ubiquinone, is a coenzyme that is present in animals and most of the bacteria. It acts as an antioxidant, which protects cells from damage. It also plays an important part in the cell metabolism.

Coenzyme Q defends membrane phospholipids and mitochondrial proteins and DNA from free-radical caused oxidative damage.

What about the CoQ10 in Hyperthyroidism?

This study "" looked at the circulating levels of CoQ10 in both hypothyroid and hyperthyroid. Researchers concluded that levels are low in both diseases, especially in hyperthyroidism.

Another study concluded that "Plasma CoQ10 deficiency appears to be related to the stimulated respiratory chain activity in children with hyperthyroidism".

We've continued our research and found many studies like this one, which concluded "coenzyme Q10 administration can prevent the ultrastructural disorganisation and decrease the iNOS and eNOS increment in the hyperthyroid heart"

iNOS and eNOS are important for immune system and cardiovascular system.

It further supports the evidence of CoQ10 deficiency in thyroid diseases, especially Hyperthyroidism.

Patients who suffer from hyperthyroidism usually take heart medications like B-blockers. B-blockers can repress mitochondrial CoQ10 enzymes.

Additionally, patients very frequently use statins, which are cholesterol-lowering medications. These medications also interfere with the synthesis of CoQ10.

For these reasons, hyperthyroid patients can benefit from CoQ10 supplementation. Addition of this supplement to conventional therapy will lower Your risk of cardiovascular diseases such as arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms), coronary artery disease and heart attack.

CoQ10 may also help You to lower high blood pressure without interacting with Your thyroid medications.

What about the CoQ10 and Hypothyroidism?

We know that hypothyroidism is associated with enhanced oxidative stress. That's why CoQ10 can be also helpful for these patients. It acts as a free radical scavenger and antioxidant, which inhibits oxidative stress.

Does it work for everyone and is it essential?

No. Most of the hypothyroid patients react well to CoQ10. However, in some hypothyroid patients it actually worsens the situation and causes ectopic hearts rhythm (irregular). Why?

Well, it hasn't been researched yet but it may be either due to CoQ10 effect itself or the quality of the supplement, meaning it can be the fillers and additional ingredients present in the pill.

This is the reason we do not recommend it as a main therapy for hypothyroid patients.

To sum up:

Coenzyme Q10 can be very helpful supplement for both Hyperthyroid and Hypothyroid patients. We mostly recommend it for Hyperthyroid patients.

Why? because they're the most deficient in CoQ10 and it brings them benefits in terms of symptoms management as well as heart diseases and neurological diseases prevention.

For these patients we recommend supplementing between 100mg and 250mg/day.

On the other hand, for patients with Hypothyroidism, supplementing with CoA10 is more specific approach. We can't simply say that all of these patients should use it.

Why? Because some of the patients may not react well to it and worsening of the symptoms in few hypothyroid patients have been observed.

Take into consideration, however, that worsening of the symptoms in these patients can be correlated with the adrenal problem (which should be fixed before the thyroid) or impurities present in the supplement capsule.

The solution to this may be treating the adrenals or simply changing the brand of the supplement. That's the reason why every patient should be diagnosed and treated on an individual basis.

Let us know about You:

Do You have problems with an increased heart rate?

Have You ever tried using CoA10?

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