Your "Must" to help reduce medications

In this article: we have mentioned that one of alternative remedies for hyperthyroidism is supplementation with nutritional supplements and herbs.
Today We would like to present all the natural Let's start!
Herbal medicine:
Most of the herbs can inhibit T4 to T3 conversion and TSH. Herbs can be used as tonics or tinctures, a concentrated liquids from the herb. The solutions have to be diluted in water or tea.

1.Lemon Balm/Melissa:
It is considered a calming herb and anxiety reducing herb.It is available as dried leaves, capsules, extracts, tinctures and oils. Lemon Balm lowers TSH and can be used in Graves' disease.
Lemon Balm also helps with mild insomnia and digestive problems.
Very important: You should be careful using lemon Balm when You're taking Sedative drugs, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines. Dosage: general dosage is 300mg twice a day.
Herbal remedy, which helps to relive menstrual cramps. It also helps to calm your nervous system, lowers blood pressure and reduces heart palpitations and rapid heartbeat. Can help to reduce symptoms of overactive thyroid.
Very important: Motherwort can interact with antidepressant and cardiovascular drugs. Do consult your doctor before intake. Also if you are pregnant or breast feeding you should avoid it.
To what it concerns dosage: You must ask your competent endocrine doctors since dosage is based upon health status, age and others.
It is a member of the mint family. It has ability to slow down heart rate and strengthen heart function. It may also decrease TSH and metabolism of iodine.
Furthermore, it has been shown that Bugleweed can block the action of antibodies that stimulate thyroid, which makes it a great treatment of hyperthyroidism. Lastly, it helps to relieve tremors and palpitations.
Very important: Avoid during pregnancy and lactation.
Dosage: Consult Your doctor, as dosage may vary depending on age and health. Usually, for mild hyperthyroidism the dosage is around 40mg/day taken in two dosages.
For hyperthyroidism (under the supervision of a physician or other healthcare provider) steep one to two teaspoons of bugleweed leaves into a cup of hot water for 10 minutes. Strain and drink once per day for two to three weeks.
Many endocrinologists aren’t familiar with bugleweed. Some people do need to take antithyroid medication, while many of the patients do fine taking natural agents such as bugleweed. However, this approach isn’t effective in everyone.
If you were recently diagnosed with hyperthyroidism taking bugleweed depends on the severity of your disease and how You react both to drugs and herbal remedies.
Nutritional and Homeopathic Supplements:
Researchers investigated effect of antioxidant supplements such as vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium and beta carotene.They concluded that these supplements helped patients taking methimazole alone.
Studies have further concluded that fixing the nutritional deficiencies reduced the levels     of elevated T4 to normal levels. T3 remained still above normal.
However, after adding probiotic supplement and taking care of bowel and liver health, Â Â Â Â Â T3 dropped to normal. This underlines how important is the nutritional supplementation.
Has the ability to block the action of thyroid hormone on the cells. Studies have shown that using 1-4 grams of carnitine daily inhibits the action of thyroid hormones. Studies suggest that carnitine stops thyroid hormone from entering the cells, which prevents it's action on the cellular level. Carnitine at high dose has similar effects to PTU or Tapazole without side effects of these drugs.
Important: May have blood-thinning effects. It increases anticlotting effects of certain medicines, such as warfarin. L-carnitine may increase the likelihood of seizures in people with a history of seizures.
Trace metals role:

Trace metals have a role in the electrical conduction of our body as well as helping conversion of hormones. Most important trace metals for physiological thyroid functions are iron, selenium, zinc, copper, iodine, selenium, manganese and cobalt.
Of all only copper seems to have an important role in limiting the production of thyroid hormones. Thus, deficiency of copper can and it is usually seen in hyperthyroidism.
The problem is that some trace metals use the same transporters and copper can be easily displaced by zinc.
Taking excessive amounts of one mineral can deplete other minerals. An example is haemoglobin production. It requires two key minerals, iron and copper, along with many vitamins, proteins, and lipids. A deficiency of iron will cause iron-deficiency anaemia. Â Â Â Â Â Â Â A deficiency of copper will cause copper-deficiency anaemia. Both minerals are necessary.
Likewise copper metabolism is facilitated by vitamin C. Taking excessive amounts of vitamin C without also supplementing copper can deplete the body of copper.
Replenishing the copper requires some, but not an excessive amount of vitamin C. It also requires the presence of all the other nutrients necessary for copper metabolism.
Another trace metal that worths mentioning when it comes to thyroid disease is Cadmium. It toxicity depletes zinc and copper and causes both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism. Cadmium is also present in cigarettes. You are probably aware that cigarette smoking increases the risk of Graves' ophthalmology.
Graves' ophthalmology is due to auto antibodies concentrations rather than levels of TSH, T4 and T3. Trace minerals also control the activity of the immune system. Thus, having nutritional deficits can further unbalance your immune system.
Copper deficiency seems to be involved in an increase chance of developing Graves' ophthalmology.
Calcium and Magnesium supplements are important for hyperthyroidism due to the great benefits they have on the cardiovascular system. In fact, they stabilise heart contractile activity, thus reducing the increased palpitations experienced in hyperthyroidism.
However, magnesium requires copper to be internalised and metabolised. If you are copper deficient, you may experience limited benefits of supplementing magnesium and calcium.
Copper, for these reasons, seem to be a crucial metal to be supplemented. You can test copper deficiency via checking you hair. This is probably the most efficient method.
To achieve optimal supplementation of copper you may wanna add lithium (which seems to promote copper intake in the cell), biotin and silicon(if you are experiencing hair loss).
Selenium, inositol, choline and glutathione are important in case of thyroid diseases because of their antioxidant power. They help preventing damages to the thyroid, thus they exert a protective role.
How much of these elements should you take?
Copper: start with 2.5-3mg to max 10mg
Lithium: 50mg
Biotin: 1200mcg
Silicon: about 400mg for hair loss and fragility
Magnesium: about 400mg (depends on age, gender and pathology)
Selenium: 200-300mcg
Choline: about 550mg a day
Myo-Inositol: There is no official consensus for recommended doses of inositol. Dosage and type of inositol supplement vary depending on the condition. For example, PCOS requires about 2g daily, whereas mental disorders 12-18g.
Glutathione: Oral dosage range from 50-600 mg/day. Again consult your doctor before taking it.
*All these values are meant for adults, non pregnant women.*
You should start with those and see how your body reacts. These are general guidelines. Each of us responds differently and experiences different thyroid problems.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): it is involved in many metabolic processes. In case of over active thyroid your metabolism works faster, thus, thiamine decreases.
The usual dose of thiamine is 5-30 mg daily in either a single dose or divided doses for one month. The typical dose for severe deficiency can be up to 300 mg per day.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin): Can reduce the production of T3
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): It’s significant to protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism and the creation of red blood cells and neurotransmitters. It is also used to make thyroid hormones thus in case of hyperthyroidism you will run out of it. This can be dangerous. For this reason it must be replenished.
Muscle weakness is very common in people with an overactive thyroid and in those who are also lacking in B6.
---> Important: Vitamin B6 seems to interact with copper absorption. If you are copper deficient, first stabilise your copper levels and then work on B6.
Dosage: 25 - 50 milligrams
Vitamin B12 + folic acid: There is a correlation with thyroid problems and vitamin B12 deficiency. Supplementing Vitamin B12 + folic acid can help you with feeing fatigued, weak, and dizzy.
Dosage: Vit B12 1000-1500mcg sublingual or spay; Folic acid 400-600mcg

Vitamin C: It is a powerful antioxidant that can help you prevent and limit oxidative damage. It also helps your immune system. Long standing deficiency causes the thyroid gland to secrete too much hormone, thus, overactive thyroid need extra Vitamin C as this is actually drained from the tissues in their bodies.
Dosage: 250 - 1,000 milligrams
Vitamin D3: apart from bone health, it is involved in cell proliferation and immune system control. People affected by thyroid conditions tend to be deficient. Supplementing it would decrease symptoms, autoimmunity and thyroid health.
Take it together with vitamin K2 (MK7).
Dosage: vitamin D3 6000IU/day; vitamin K2 every 1000IU of vitamin D3 requires 120mcg
Vitamin E: Involved in immune function, gene expression regulation and metabolic processes. It is also a powerful detox for liver. The lack of this vitamin encourages the thyroid gland to secrete too much hormone. In case of overactive thyroid your body maybe getting rid of too much vitamin E. For this reason it must be supplemented.
Dosage: 268mg
*remember to take it together with selenium
What else to do to reduce inflammation?
Omega-3 fatty acids, such as fish oil. They help reducing inflammation and also immunity.
Probiotics: there seem to be a high connection between gut inflammation and development of thyroid related issues. Working on fixing your gut microbiome can help you heal your thyroid.
We will soon post an article regarding which probiotics is the best for your conditions. There are many types of bacterias each exerting different functions.
For this reason a more extensive evaluation must be carried, considering your conditions, past medical history and symptoms. This will help us distinguish if the problem is in the upper or lower intestine.
Let us know about you:
How do you manage your hyperthyroidism?
How can I get off Synthroid? I’ve been on it for 30 years and I’m 46. I’ve had hashimotos since age 16 as well.