Dr. Adrian & Dr. Giulia

Apr 6, 20203 min

4 Things Endocrinologists Won't Tell You About Graves’ Disease

You get diagnosed with Graves’ disease and your endocrinologist most probably gives You one of these 3 options:
1) Antithyroid medication
2) Radioactive iodine
3) Thyroid surgery

And this can be very frustrating that very few endocrinologists want to actually address the root cause of your problem.

There is obviously a time and place for conventional medical treatment like Methimazole and PTU but in many cases, these treatments cause side effects and can be avoided by addressing and treating the root cause of your disorder.

So, what are 5 Things Conventional Endocrinologists won't tell You?

1. There are natural remedies that can lower thyroid hormone levels:

Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) is a lemon-scented herb that comes from the same family as mint. Lemon Balm lowers TSH and can be used in Graves' disease.

Important: You should be careful using Lemon Balm when You're taking Sedative drugs, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines.

Dosage: The general dosage is 300mg twice a day.

Type: Lemon balm dried leaves are definitely the most absorbable form. However, plant-derived material used in the capsules works fine as well. It's definitely more practical and doesn't require You preparing tea every day.

L-carnitine can also lower thyroid hormone levels when taken in higher doses. Studies suggest that carnitine stops the thyroid hormone from entering the cells, which prevents its action on the cellular level. Carnitine at high doses has similar effects to PTU or Tapazole without the side effects of these drugs.

Important: May have blood-thinning effects. It increases the anticlotting effects of certain medicines, such as warfarin.

Dosage: using 1-4 grams of carnitine daily inhibits the action of thyroid hormones.

Type: Propionyl-L-carnitine form is well-suited for circulatory issues, such as peripheral vascular disease and high blood pressure. Best form use in Graves' disease.

2. Genetics isn’t the main reason for developing Graves’ disease.

Although genetics is a contributing factor, it isn’t the most important factor. In Reality, most people who have the genetic predisposition for Graves’ disease won’t develop it.

Why? Because there are usually other factors involved in the development of this disease, like for example a leaky gut and nutrient deficiencies. Many often, You can achieve the state of remission just by removing the triggers.

3. Chronic stress and the adrenal problem can be factors in the development of Graves’ disease.

Emotional and physical stress can negatively affect the adrenals, which in turn contribute to the development of Grave's Disease.

We've seen multiple times that once the cause of the stress on the organism is reduced, the Grave's Disease improves.

For example, we had a client who was overtraining (6-7 times a week) and this had a huge impact on her adrenal glands. Once the training routine was reduced (to 3 times a week) and changed into a more calming, parasympathetic nervous system type of work like yoga, She saw an enormous improvement in her symptoms.

4. Some people with hyperthyroidism may benefit from iodine supplementation.

Endocrinologists will usually recommend the patients with Graves’ disease to completely avoid iodine. The goal is to avoid iodine worsening your hyperthyroid condition by increasing thyroid hormones.

Now, what they don't tell You is that Lugol’s solution (known as aqueous iodine and strong iodine solution) was used to use to manage the symptoms of Graves’ disease.

Although we don't agree with giving Lugol’s solution as a first-line treatment to the hyperthyroid and Graves' patients, we believe that it may be a good option if all the other strategies have failed.

For example, if someone can't take antithyroid medication and all the natural remedies like bugleweed, lemon balm, L-carnitine, etc. have failed and You don't want to receive radioactive iodine treatment.





