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Why You Need Zinc Now If You Have Thyroid Disorders

Updated: Mar 31, 2020

Zinc is one of the most important nutrients. As a matter of fact, Zinc deficiency can affect not only Your thyroid health but also every single organ and system in Your body.

What are the symptoms of Zinc deficiency?

  • Impaired immune function (getting sick more frequently than usual)

  • Hair loss

  • Skin problems (acne or rashes)

  • Fatigue

  • Mild to moderate symptoms of hypothyroidism (depending on the degree of zinc deficiency)

  • Decreased appetite

  • Low T3 levels

  • Food allergies

  • Intestinal issues

Specifically, what does zinc control?

1.Immune system

Zinc makes sure Your immune system works properly.

It means that zinc helps Your immune system to fight infections, cancers and to prevent the occurrence of autoimmune diseases.

So, it is very important that You supplement zinc, especially in case of thyroid diseases.


Because a high percentage of thyroid patients tend to develop autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

2. Conversion of T4 to T3.

T4 and T3 are the two thyroid hormones necessary to allow Your body to work properly.

T4 is the inactive hormone. To be active Your cells will convert it into T3.

However, to do so, Your cells need some help from nutrients. One of the most important nutrient to achieve is zinc.

What does it mean?

If You are hypothyroid and taking T4 only medications (eg Levothyroxine or Synthroid) but yet do not feel good, this can be because of zinc deficiency.

Without much zinc, Your body will not be able to convert T4 from the medication into T3.

3. Inflammation

Correct levels of zinc can help Your body to decrease and control the inflammation.

Not only that but also zinc can help to remove all the toxins produced during inflammation.

In doing so, it will prevent further autoimmune diseases.

How should You test for zinc?

Unfortunately, blood tests are not so reliable.

For this reason, we strongly suggest opting for mineral hair test analysis. Make sure You also check for copper.

Why copper? Because it is important to know the zinc: copper ratio. According to this, we can decide how much to supplement.

In fact, if You supplement too much zinc, and You are deficient in copper, it can increase even more Your copper deficiency.

Copper deficiency can trigger and promote hyperthyroidism in some patients.

How to get zinc?


There are many forms of zinc, we suggest:

  • Zinc citrate

  • Zinc glycinate

  • Zinc picolinate

Why? Because the absorption is greater. In fact, when it comes to thyroid disease You want to make sure You are absorbing zinc. Otherwise, it could just be a waste of money.

How many mg should You take daily?

To be sure You will have to know Your copper levels.

However, remember that humans don't really absorb more than 7-10mg of zinc.

Start between 5-8mg and go max to 15mg of zinc daily.

2. Food

Here is a list of food rich in zinc. From the highest concentration of zinc to the lowest.

  • Oysters

  • Beef

  • Crab

  • Breakfast cereal (please don't get your zinc from this source! It is bad for thyroid)

  • Lobster

  • Porkchop

  • Chicken

  • Beans

  • Yoghurt

  • Cashews

  • Chickpeas

  • Cheese (Cheddar, mozzarella, swiss)

  • Oatmeal (Gluten-free)

  • Milk

  • Almonds

  • Kidney beans

  • Green peas

  • Flounder

Zinc concentration from these food sources varies based on the quality of the food that you are eating, the type of food, how it was sourced, and how much of it you consume. 

What about Selenium and Zinc?

If You are zinc deficient, highly probable You are also selenium deficient.

Most of our patients who use zinc also use selenium and they have great improvements in their symptoms.

In fact, selenium can increase the conversion of T4 to T3.

Did You know that Intermittent Fasting can help You get rid of that extra weight that does not go? Watch this video to know more:

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Aug 10, 2020

Can you add milk to tea/coffee when intermittent fasting?

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